Crimson MU - Beta Phase

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Server Information
General Information
Server Version Season 20 Part 2-3
Experience 9999x
Master Experience 9999x
Drop 100%

Chaos Machine

Combination Maximum Success Rate
Item Luck 100%
Items +10, +11, +12 100% + Luck
Items +13, +14, +15 100% + Luck
Wings Level 1 100% + Luck
Wings Level 2 100%
Wings Level 3 100%
Wings Level 4 100%
Wings Level 5 100%
Ancient Hero's Soul 100%


/reset Reset your character.
/whisper [on/off] Enable / disable whisper.
/pkclear Clear killer status
/post [message] Sends a message to the whole server.
/buy [message] Let others know you're buying an item.
/sell [message] Let others know you're selling an item.
/addstr [points] Adds points to Strength.
/addagi [points] Adds points to Agility.
/addvit [points] Adds points to Life.
/addene [points] Adds points to Energy.
/addcmd [points] Adds points to Command.
/store wcoin Sell items in your personal shop for WCoins.
/store gpoint Sell items in your personal shop for Goblin Points.
/store ruud Sell items in your personal shop for Ruud Coins.
/offstore Open stores while being offline. Use the command first - /store wcoin/gpoint/ruud (depends on what currency you want to sell the items in store). After the store command is used, you can then proceed with /offstore command to sell while offline.
/ware [0-4] Opens other extra vaults.
/clearinv Deletes all items inside your original character inventory (expanded inventory excluded, current active/used mounts also excluded).
/clearextinv Deletes all items in your expanded inventory (does not included items in your original character inventory).
/cleareventinv Deletes all items in your event inventory (press ctrl + V to check).
/clearinvmuun Deletes all muuns in your muun inventory (press Y to check).
In-Game Functions
Ctrl + H Open window to activate Anti-Freeze/Anti-Lag options.
Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Zoom In/Out.
Ctrl + L Open Death Records window. See your kill score vs other players - [Opponent kill score] vs [Your kill score]


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Server Info

Version:Season 20 Part 2-3
Master Exp:9999x
Drop Rate:100%
Total Accounts:232
Total Characters:590
Total Guilds:21
Total GMs Online:0
Total Online Users:3

Castle Siege

Castle Owner

Guild Master
Guild Registration Period

Castle Siege Battle
3 days 23 hours

Castle Information